In terms of dealing with workplace harassment, how effective do you think mandatory training in a school curriculum would be? Justify your answer.​

In terms of dealing with workplace harassment, how effective do you think mandatory training in a school curriculum would be? Justify your answer.​

Mandatory training in a school curriculum could be an effective way to address workplace harassment in the long term. By incorporating training on workplace harassment into the curriculum, students would be exposed to the topic at an early age and would be more likely to understand the consequences of such behavior. Students would also learn about their rights and responsibilities, as well as the importance of creating a respectful and inclusive workplace.

In the short term, however, it may be difficult to measure the effectiveness of such training. It is possible that some students may not take the training seriously, or may not fully understand the implications of workplace harassment until they experience it themselves. Additionally, it may be difficult to ensure that the training is consistent across different schools and regions, which could lead to inconsistent outcomes.

Overall, while mandatory training in a school curriculum could be a step in the right direction, it is important to recognize that it is just one part of a larger solution to address workplace harassment. Other measures such as workplace policies, reporting mechanisms, and accountability measures may also be necessary to address this issue effectively.


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